Industry Celebrates its Centennial in the Black Profitability Weak but Still Making Major Economic Contribution

The International Air Transport Association (IATA) launched the Economic Performance of the Airline Industry report outlining how air transport is adding value for consumers, the wider economy, governments, and investors. The report illustrates how the airline industry continues to improve profitability through efficiency gains while connecting more cities, lowering transport costs, supporting jobs, and making […]

Boeing Black smartphone, de los aviones a los teléfonos

La segunda mayor empresa aeronáutica y de defensa a nivel mundial sorprende con un nuevo lanzamiento, que en esta oportunidad no tiene alas ni motor, el Boeing Black Smartphone. Se trata de un teléfono inteligente desarrollado bajo los conceptos de "defensa, espacio y seguridad" y orientado a las organizaciones que requieren absoluta confianza y flexibilidad […]