CHAMP Cargosystems has launched ian EmissionsCalculator to help airlines, shippers and forwarders measure accurately their supply chain emissions
The calculator leverages information flowing through CHAMP’s IT solutions and from third-parties to provide a breakdown of emissions by flight or air waybill number. It reports on the key greenhouse gasses of carbon dioxide (CO2); nitrogen oxides (NOx), sulphur oxides (SOx); and particulates (PM).
Said a spokesperson: “With the introduction of the new Carbon Offsetting and Reduction Scheme for International Aviation (CORSIA) initiated by the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO), the air cargo supply chain has a unique opportunity for more stakeholders to measure their emissions.
“EmissionsCalculator helps airlines, shippers and forwarders accomplish this and have more accurate figures to report for their emissions footprint in an easy way.
For calculating flight emissions, the service uses an algorithm developed by the European Environment Agency (EEA). CHAMP’s processing incorporates “the most recognized emission estimation” from air pollution studies in Europe and in the wider United Nations Economic Commission for Europe geographical area.
“Transparency on the methodology is seen as critical to ensuring a sustainable collaboration,” added the spokesperson.
CHAMP Cargosystems chief executive Arnaud Lambert said: “CHAMP aims to support the air cargo community in its ongoing efficiency initiatives…