Iberia Maintenance begins to use Cepsa’s sustainable aviation fuel in its engine test benches

Iberia Maintenance will use 5% sustainable aviation fuel (SAF) throughout the year in its engine test bench at the La Muñoza facilities, near the Adolfo Suarez Madrid-Barajas airport, in what marks another step towards the decarbonisation of the sector. The use of this type of fuel will allow for a reduction of 115 tonnes of CO2 emissions per year. Iberia Maintenance thus becomes the first Spanish aeronautical maintenance provider to use continuously this type of fuel in its engine test bench for commercial airlines.

Cepsa has produced this second-generation biofuel produced from organic waste and used cooking oils at its La Rábida Energy Park (Huelva). Specifically, during this year, the energy company will provide Iberia Maintenance with more than 36 tonnes of SAF.

“We are very proud to have taken another step towards the decarbonisation of the sector with the use of SAF in our test bench, which will allow us to reduce our CO2 emissions by 115 tonnes. Collaboration, technology, and innovation are the essential elements to achieve the industry’s goal of achieving net zero emissions by 2050,” explains Teresa Parejo, Director of Sustainability at Iberia.

In the other hand, Marta Cencillo, Head of Sustainable Aviation at Cepsa, explained “We continue to take steps together with Iberia to facilitate the sustainability of their operations and promote sustainable aviation. We work to keep being a reference in the production and distribution of SAF, which will be essential in the coming years to achieve the decarbonisation objectives of the aviation sector.”

The use of SAF in Iberia Maintenance engine tests is part of the environmental sustainability strategy of the International Airlines Group (IAG), which aims net zero emissions by 2050. Among other actions, Iberia, Iberia Express and Cepsa signed a collaboration agreement for the development and research of fuels of sustainable origin and other energy alternatives, such as the electrification of the fleet, to promote the sustainable mobility of airplanes and the fleet of vehicles that provide services to them at airports.

Iberia Maintenance sustainability strategy

The use of SAF in the test bench of the Iberia Maintenance engine workshop is part of the company’s sustainability strategy, which is structured into five pillars:

Water: Iberia Maintenance, through its water management plan, established objectives to reduce its consumption by 10% and 30% in 2027 and 2030, respectively, compared to the data recorded in 2022.
CO2: to use 5% SAF in 2024 and 2025, followed by a sustained and constant increase in the use of this type of fuel for the coming years, which contributes to achieving the reduction of CO2 emissions by 20% in 2030 versus 2022.
Volatile Organic Compounds and solvents: to reduce their use by 10% in 2025 compared to 2022.
Energy: to reduce energy consumption by 20% by 2025 compared to 2022, while generating 10% of that energy with solar panels and using 100% renewable energy.
Waste: the Spanish airline aims to recycle more than 80% of the waste generated by 2025 and reduce it by 20% compared to 2022.

Guaranteeing the commercialization of SAF

Cepsa produces SAF and other second-generation biofuels in its energy parks and permanently markets sustainable aviation fuel in five of the main Spanish airports.

To guarantee the commercialization of SAF to the aviation sector, the company has started the construction of the largest second-generation biofuels plant in southern Europe, together with Bio-Oils, with a €1.2 billion investment. This facility, which will be opened in 2026 in Palos de la Frontera (Huelva), will have a flexible production capacity of 500,000 tonnes of SAF and renewable diesel.

As part of its Positive Motion strategy, Cepsa, intending to promote the decarbonisation of the aviation sector, aims to lead the production of SAF in Spain and Portugal, with an annual production capacity of 800,000 tonnes in 2030, enough to fly across the planet 2000 times.

What is SAF?

Sustainable aviation fuel* is an alternative to fossil fuel, the key instrument to decarbonise the aviation sector. SAF can be organic (produced from vegetable oils, animal fats, biomass, or other waste such as agricultural waste) or synthetic (generated from captured CO2 and renewable hydrogen).

SAF is the immediate response to the challenge of reducing greenhouse gas emissions on short-, medium-, and long-haul flights. It allows for the reduction of CO2 emissions by up to 90% compared to conventional kerosene (taking into account its entire life cycle, from its production to its consumption) and, furthermore, in the case of second-generation biofuels, such as the one marketed by Cepsa to Iberia Maintenance, it also promotes the circular economy, as it is produced from waste that would otherwise end up in landfills.

One of the great advantages of SAF is that it can be used – and, in fact, it is already used – without having to modify any mechanism of the aircraft or airport infrastructure.

More than 170 engines tested in 2023

The Iberia Maintenance test bench has a test cell with a 90,000lb capacity and is licensed to certify the four types of engines served by the Spanish company: CFM56-5B/-7B, RB211, V2500, and Pratt & Whitney GTF™. In 2023, Iberia Maintenance carried out more than 170 engine inductions.

An aircraft engine test bench is a specialised facility designed to evaluate and validate the performance, efficiency, and reliability of engines before being installed on aircraft after overhaul and repair. These test benches allow engine manufacturers and airlines to conduct extensive testing in a controlled environment, ensuring engines meet the safety and performance standards required for aviation.

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Fuente: Iberia
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