Iberia’s Route Between Miami and Madrid Generates 4,000 Jobs and Contributes around €171M to the GDP of Both Countries

The aviation sector, in addition to making it possible for people to connect with the rest of the world, also offers an important contribution to the creation of jobs and wealth in different countries. In the case of Iberia, according to a study by the consulting firm Transcendent, the airline’s route that connects Miami with Madrid contributes €171m to the GDP of both countries and creates around 4,000 jobs.

Of these jobs, around 675 are direct, 995 are indirect and the remaining 2,200 are induced by the tourist activity generated thanks to the route.

As for the contribution to the US national economy made by this route, it is mostly linked to the marketing of nearly 390,000 seats in 2022 between both cities, 82% of which did were for leisure travellers. In 2022, the average expenditure per international tourist who visited the United States was €2,525.

“This data shows the contribution that the aviation sector makes to society, and materialises our purpose: generating prosperity, connecting people with the world. Aviation connects people, countries, and culture, while allowing the internationalisation of businesses and generating wealth,” explains Beatriz Guillén, Director of Global Sales at Iberia.

The Economy, Benefited by Air Connectivity

According to the data from the Transcendent report, the economy of the countries and, therefore, the wealth that is generated is one of the aspects that stand out the most when it comes to air connectivity.

For example, the route between Miami and Madrid also contributes more than €85.5m to the development of local suppliers thanks to the tourist activity that is generated around the route, driving companies from different sectors and sizes both in Spain and in the US. Of the total, 55 million, or 65%, are contributed to the United States, and 30.6 million to Spain.

Likewise, foreign trade is another of the aspects that stand out the most in the economic contribution of Iberia’s route between Miami and Madrid. In 2022, the airline transported 7,260 tons of cargo between both countries. In the case of Miami, it was essential for the export of flowers and fruits and vegetables, among others.

Furthermore, air connectivity contributes to transnational businesses. According to Transcendent data, in 2022 the route made it possible to carry out nearly 36,000 international business trips, which subsequently translates into the achievement of business and boosts the arrival of direct foreign investment.

Sustainability, at the Heart of Social Impact

For Iberia, social impact is a key element in its sustainability strategy, which is also very focused on increasing the efficiency of its operations and reducing its emissions.

The report states that Iberia’s operation between Miami and Madrid produces 10% less CO2 than the average for the airlines that offer these flights. This is mainly explained by the adoption of new technologies, such as the replacement of the fleet of A340 aircraft with A330s – which currently operate the route – and which are 30% to 35% more efficient than the aircraft they replace. Currently, the entire Iberia fleet is twin-engine.

For this winter season, which begins at the end of October and runs until the end of March, Iberia offers 14 weekly frequencies, i.e. two daily flights in each direction. In 2024 as a whole, the Spanish airline will offer more than 424,000 seats between Miami and Madrid.

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Fuente: Iberia
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