LATAM Cargo adds new Europe-Brazil freighter service

LATAM Cargo is adding a new service between Europe and Brazil to target pharma, general cargo and automotive volumes.

The service will operate with flights twice per week between Amsterdam, Brussels and Florianópolis utilising the carrier’s fleet of Boeing 767 freighters.

The service will target imports into Brazil’s Santa Catarina region, LATAM said in a press release.

“The inauguration of this unprecedented cargo route is another door we open for world trade with Brazil. We have increasingly expanded our connectivity and having a route that will offer even more efficiency and agility in cargo transportation between the European market and southern Brazil reaffirms LATAM’s commitment to the country and how the company is attentive to the market and willing to invest strategically and sustainably,” said Jorge Carretero, central Europe cargo sales manager at LATAM.

The move comes as the operator of Florianópolis Airport – Zurich Airport Brasil – is investing in its cargo facilities.

Ricardo Gesse, chief executive of Zurich Airport Brazil, explained: “We are investing R$9m to expand the capacity of our International Cargo Terminal by 400% to meet the high demand…

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