Lufthansa Innovation Hub voted Best in Germany

The Lufthansa Innovation Hub in Berlin has been voted the best Innovation Lab in Germany. The business magazine Capital, and the Hamburg management consultancy Infront Consulting, compared 34 Innovation Labs. The prize was awarded on June 21 at a formal event in Berlin.

What are Innovation Labs actually for? Which strategies are successful? How well does the exchange between the company and the digital branch work? Both Capital and Infront Consulting addressed these questions as part of a study on innovation efforts of German corporations. In this first major study of Germany?s digital laboratories and accelerators, 34 innovation units ? including branches of Daimler, Porsche, Thyssen Krupp, Deutsche Bank, Lufthansa ? were systematically scrutinized and evaluated.

The result: The Lufthansa Innovation Hub performed best among German innovation labs and was given the award of ?Best Innovation Lab? in Germany.

?We are very pleased with this award. It confirms that we are taking the right approach in many ways; after all, digitalization is posing a new, major challenge to all companies and there are no blueprints. At the same time, it is an incentive to regularly put ourselves to the test in order to continue to increase our added value for Lufthansa,? said Holger Schneider, Managing Director of the Lufthansa Innovation Hub.

The evaluation was made using six success factors, including: support of top management, the balance between clear objectives and degree of freedom, the clear selection of topics and business ideas, the functioning of the exchange between the company and the digital branch, the use of methods, the scaling perspective of ideas, as well as the network of external partners and customers. The Lufthansa Innovation Hub received excellent ratings in all categories, with the highest ratings for the well-functioning cohesiveness between the Lufthansa Group and the Innovation Hub, as well as the efficiency of methods used.

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Fuente: Lufthansa
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