Conviasa has suspended international operations as of Friday, May 5. Venezuelan media outlets report the state-owned carrier was unable to source enough foreign currency to pay for its fleet’s insurance premiums leading to its grounding. ch-aviation analysis of Venezuelan airport departure and arrival data confirms that domestic operations with its EMB-190s are continuing as of going to press.
Quoting company sources, Airways magazine reports a wet-lease agreement between Conviasa and Wamos Air (EB, Madrid Barajas) wherein the Spanish ACMI/charter specialist operates a B747-400 on flights to/from Venezuela and each of Buenos Aires Ezeiza and Madrid Barajas, has also been suspended. Flightradar24 ADS-B data shows EC-KXN (msn 25703) has been at Madrid Barajas since May 3 when it completed its last flight for the Venezuelans as V03012.
The report states Wamos Air has relocated its ground staff to the Dominican Republic until the situation in Venezuela has been resolved…