Airbus y ACI World refuerzan su cooperación mundial para descarbonizar la aviación

Airbus y Airports Council International (ACI) World han firmado un acuerdo de colaboración con el objetivo de reducir el impacto ambiental del sector aeronáutico. Esta alianza se centra en promover la descarbonización de la aviación y reducir el ruido de las aeronaves. La colaboración aborda áreas esenciales como los combustibles de aviación sostenibles (SAF), tecnologías […]

Virgin Atlantic amplía su pedido de A330neo para transformar su flota

Virgin Atlantic ha confirmado un pedido firme de siete aviones A330neo, como parte de su estrategia para renovar y modernizar su flota. Con este acuerdo, la aerolínea incrementa su compromiso con el A330neo a un total de 19 aeronaves, lo que promete mejorar significativamente la economía operativa de la compañía. El anuncio se realizó durante […]

Airbus and partners invest in Sustainable Aviation Fuel financing fund

Airbus, the Air France-KLM Group, Associated Energy Group, LLC, BNP Paribas, Burnham Sterling, Mitsubishi HC Capital Inc. and Qantas Airways Limited co-invested in a Sustainable Aviation Fuel (SAF) financing fund to accelerate the production of SAF. The corporate partners worked with investment manager Burnham Sterling Asset Management to establish the Sustainable Aviation Fuel Financing Alliance […]

Airbus welcomes London Gatwick to global hydrogen hub network

Airbus has teamed up with London Gatwick, easyJet and Air Products, the world’s largest hydrogen supplier, to expand hydrogen capability and infrastructure in the UK as the manufacturer moves closer to its target of getting a hydrogen powered aircraft in the sky by 2035. Standing up the right infrastructure is key to enabling hydrogen flight […]

ACI World and Airbus strengthen global cooperation to decarbonize aviation

Airports Council International (ACI) World and Airbus have signed a cooperation agreement to support the industry’s efforts to reduce the environmental impact of aviation. This partnership leverages the strengths of the world’s leading aircraft manufacturer and the largest and most important international association of airports to make significant progress in both decarbonizing aviation and mitigating […]

El Airbus A321XLR recibe la certificación de tipo de la AESA

El Airbus A321XLR propulsado por motores CFM LEAP-1A ha recibido su Certificado de Tipo de la Agencia de Seguridad Aérea de la Unión Europea (EASA), preparando el camino para la entrada en servicio del nuevo avión a finales de verano. El Certificado de Tipo fue entregado por Florian Guillermet, Executive Director of EASA a Isabelle […]

Airbus A321XLR receives EASA type certification

The Airbus A321XLR powered by CFM LEAP-1A engines has received its Type Certification from the European Union Aviation Safety Agency (EASA), preparing the way for the entry-into-service of the new aircraft at the end of the summer. The Type Certificate was handed over by Florian Guillermet, Executive Director of EASA to Isabelle Bloy, A321XLR Chief […]