American Adds Flights to Destinations in Mexico and South America

For travelers looking to visit Mexico, American is adding a new service to Oaxaca International Airport. All of the new American destinations will be served from Dallas/Fort Worth, Los Angeles, and Miami. "We"™re creating a world-class customer experience and as the largest U.S. carrier in Mexico and South America, we are committed to offering more […]

Delta Air Lines’ focus city strategy: spotlight on Boston & JetBlue

The US major airlines American and United have spent the past couple of years touting the inherent potential of their hubs. United is working to shore up high yielding connections at its hubs, while American repeatedly refers to hub structure and network as a privileged set of assets. Delta, too, also promotes the strength of […]

Más aerolíneas enlazan a USA con México

"Filadelfia es un importante centro de conexiones de la red de American y con este nuevo servicio le ofreceremos al viajero mexicano una nueva opción para conectar con Praga y Budapest, dos de nuestras nuevas rutas para este verano, además de los más de 380 vuelos diarios a 116 destinos que ofrecemos desde Filadelfia", dijo […]

Detienen a piloto de EEUU por agredir a empleada de aeropuerto en Brasil

Un piloto estadounidense de la aerolínea American Airlines fue retenido la noche del miércoles por la Policía Federal por agredir a una empleada del aeropuerto internacional de Sao Paulo, la mayor ciudad de Brasil, informaron el jueves fuentes oficiales. El incidente, que ocurrió en vísperas de la conmemoración del Día Internacional de la Mujer, provocó […]

Brazil Senate approves Open Skies agreement with the U.S.

Brazil"™s Senate on Wednesday approved an Open Skies agreement between Brazil and the United States that clears the way for a partnership between American Airlines Group Inc and LATAM Airlines Group SA . The treaty will be sent to President Michel Temer, who is expected to sign it into law. The agreement should lead to […]

American wants three more gates in Chicago O’Hare rebuild

American Airlines’ objection to an $8.5 billion capital programme at Chicago O’Hare International airport hinges on three gates that it says the city will not include in the plans. «We know there’s the ability to add three more [gates] and we’d like three more,» says Doug Parker, chairman and chief executive of the Fort Worth-based […]

American y Qantas quieren ampliar rutas entre EUA y Oceanía

La aerolínea estadounidense American Airlines y la australiana Qantas enviaron una aplicación al Departamento de Transporte (DOT) de los Estados Unidos para buscar su aprobación para realizar un negocio conjunto que les permita unir de mejor forma a Estados Unidos con Australia y Nueva Zelanda. Acorde a American Airlines, esta unión podría significar en más […]

Budget Flying"™s Continues to Change Airline Industry

Despite all the technological advances in the recent decades one thing has remained unchanged–it still takes six hours to fly from the East Coast to the West Coast, three hours to fly to Miami, and half a day to fly to Israel. While, flight times haven"™t changed, the quality of service consumer"™ experience is undergoing […]