Strengthened Profitability Expected in 2025 Even as Supply Chain Issues Persist

The International Air Transport Association (IATA) announced its financial outlook for the global airline industry in 2025, which shows a slight strengthening of profitability amid ongoing cost and supply chain challenges. Highlights include: Net profits are expected to be $36.6 billion in 2025 for a 3.6% net profit margin. That is a slight improvement from […]

IATA’s Turbulence Aware Platform Expands with Additional Airlines and Data Integrators

The International Air Transport Association (IATA) announced that interest in its Turbulence Aware Platform continues to expand, with six airlines having joined the program in 2024. Most recently, this includes Asiana Airlines, British Airways, Scoot and Singapore Airlines. Managing turbulence will remain at the forefront of aviation safety and efficiency, given the expected rise in […]

IATA to allow digital RMB in settlement system

China is an extremely important market for the International Air Transport Association, and the IATA will continue to strengthen its presence in the Chinese and North Asian markets, a senior official of the association said in Beijing this week. The IATA represents some 300 airlines shouldering 83 percent of global air traffic. It just celebrated […]

Wooba e IATA promovem webinar sobre práticas do NDC

Na próxima quarta-feira (11), às 19h, o Wooba realizará um webinar com a participação da Iata. O evento, intitulado “NDC na Prática”, será transmitido on-line e terá como objetivo explorar os benefícios e funcionalidades do NDC, uma das inovações no setor de Turismo e aviação. Durante o webinar, especialistas do Wooba – Jackson Andrade, Daniella […]

International community aligns on air travel accessibility priorities

Aviation stakeholders and disability advocates established key priorities for improving global air travel accessibility at a landmark joint symposium held by the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO), Airports Council International (ACI), and the International Air Transport Association (IATA). The two-day event, which drew 237 participants from governments, industry, and civil society organizations, provided critical input for […]

IATA Disappointed with Decision to Pursue Compensation in the US

The International Air Transport Association (IATA) is disappointed that the Biden Administration has announced its long-threatened compensation scheme for airline delays and cancelations. This, despite the fact that similar schemes in the European Union and Canada have proven completely ineffective in reducing underlying delays or cancelations, the majority of which are outside the control of […]

La Organización de Aviación Civil Internacional (OACI) cumple 80 años

El 7 de diciembre de cada año es reconocido globalmente como el Día Internacional de la Aviación Civil y este año será particularmente especial, ya que la Organización de Aviación Civil Internacional (OACI) conmemora el 80 aniversario de su creación por la firma del Convenio de Aviación Civil Internacional de Chicago, Estados Unidos, que estableció […]

Octubre volvió a registrar fuerte demanda de pasajeros aéreos

La Asociación de Transporte Aéreo Internacional (IATA, por sus siglas en inglés) ha publicado los resultados del transporte aéreo mundial de pasajeros correspondientes al mes de octubre de 2024, entre los que destacan los siguientes datos: La demanda global, medida en pasajeros-kilómetro transportados (RPK, por sus siglas en inglés), creció un 7,1% interanual. La capacidad […]