Jamaica: All Sangster International Airport ground handlers completed IATA’s Safety Audit of Ground Operations (ISAGO) program

Sangster International Airport (SIA) is the largest airport on the island of Jamaica, by flights and passenger volume. SIA passenger traffic comprises over 98% of international travelers, predominantly from North American and European markets. Of Jamaica’s more than 2.9 million stopover visitors in 2023, approximately 70% used SIA. This is due to its ideal location on the northwest coast of the island, […]

Talma Servicios Aeroportuarios recibe por sexta vez las certificaciones ISAGO como Casa Matriz de sus operaciones en Latinoamérica y para la Estación de Lima

Talma, la empresa líder en servicios aeroportuarios en Latinoamérica, perteneciente al Grupo Sandoval, recibió las certificaciones ISAGO (IATA Safety Audit for Ground Operations), otorgadas por la Asociación de Transporte Aéreo Internacional (IATA, por sus siglas en inglés) como Casa Matriz (Provider) y para su estación en Lima, Perú (Station). Desde el año 2010, Talma ha […]

IATA Ground Handling Conference 2024 to Focus on Sustainability

The International Air Transport Association (IATA) announced that the 36th IATA Ground Handling Conference (IGHC) will focus on integrating more sustainable practices into all aspects of ground handling operations. Icelandair will host IGHC in Reykjavík, Iceland, from 7-9 May 2024, with discussions focusing on achieving the industry’s net zero CO2 emissions by 2050 goal, talent retention and development, […]

ISAGO -15 Years of Advancing Aviation Safety

The International Air Transport Association’s (IATA) Safety Audit for Ground Operations (ISAGO) has been advancing aviation safety for the last 15 years. ISAGO is an industry program for the global oversight of ground handling service providers (GHSPs). It is based on the IATA’s Ground Operations Manual (IGOM) standards. Since its launch in May 2008, over 3,000 audits have been […]

Beneficios de incorporar equipos de asistencia en tierra de última generación

La Asociación de Transporte Aéreo Internacional (IATA, por sus siglas en inglés) ha pedido la transición hacia equipos de asistencia en tierra avanzados (GSE avanzados) para mejorar la seguridad y reducir el coste de los daños que ocasionan los GSE actuales. Los GSE de última generación utilizan tecnología anticolisión y de aproximación, mejoran el control […]

ISAGO aligns with ICAO Ground Handling Manual, Includes COVID-19 Best Practices

The International Air Transport Association (IATA) announced that the 10th edition of the IATA Safety Audit for Ground Operations (ISAGO) Standards Manual is now available. The standards and recommended practices contained in the latest edition have been updated to align fully with corresponding guidelines issued by the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO). ISAGO is a […]

Iata certifica segurança de operações terrestres da Dnata

A Associação Internacional de Transporte Aéreo (Iata) concedeu à Dnata Brasil seu certificado de Auditoria de Segurança de Operações Terrestres (Isago) após a conclusão de uma vistoria abrangente da empresa e suas operações terrestres no Aeroporto Internacional de Recife-Guararapes. “Estamos muito satisfeitos por recebermos o registro Isago da Iata no Brasil, pois a segurança é […]

IATA, AFRAA sign MoU to Advance Aviation in Africa

The International Air Transport Association (IATA) and The African Airline Association (AFRAA) signed a memorandum of understanding (MoU) to deepen their cooperation. The MoU was signed by Alexandre de Juniac, IATA"™s Director General and CEO and AFRAA"™s Secretary General, Abderahmane Berthé on the sidelines of the 74th IATA Annual General Meeting in Sydney. Under the […]

The Aviation Market Grows But IATA Focuses On Ground Services

While statistics are encouraging in terms of number of airlines and occupancy, effective ground operations are an essential part of the process The International Air Transport Association (IATA) highlighted three key priorities for the scale services industry to support the growing demand for air travel: harmonize global standards to improve safety, improve collaboration among stakeholders […]