Jamaica: All Sangster International Airport ground handlers completed IATA’s Safety Audit of Ground Operations (ISAGO) program
Sangster International Airport (SIA) is the largest airport on the island of Jamaica, by flights and passenger volume. SIA passenger traffic comprises over 98% of international travelers, predominantly from North American and European markets. Of Jamaica’s more than 2.9 million stopover visitors in 2023, approximately 70% used SIA. This is due to its ideal location on the northwest coast of the island, […]
Jamaica: Todos los agentes de handling del aeropuerto internacional Sangster completan Auditoría ISAGO de IATA
El Aeropuerto Internacional de Sangster (SIA) es el mayor aeropuerto de la isla de Jamaica, por vuelos y volumen de pasajeros. El tráfico de pasajeros del SIA comprende más del 98% de viajeros internacionales, la mayoría procedentes de Norteamérica y Europa. De los más de 2,9 millones de visitantes con escala en Jamaica en 2023, […]
MBJ Airport First in the Caribbean to Obtain Airport Health Accreditation
Airports Council International Latin America and the Caribbean (ACI-LAC) congratulates MBJ Airports Limited for being the first airport in the Caribbean to obtain the Airport Health Accreditation. MBJ Airports Limited is operated by Grupo Aeroportuario del Pacifico (GAP) and Vantage Airport Group. The ACI Airport Health Accreditation (AHA) programme provides airports with an assessment of […]