Air Europa volará a La Habana con biocombustibles de segunda generación de Cepsa

Cepsa y Air Europa han sellado una alianza por la que la compañía energética proveerá 14,4 toneladas de combustible sostenible de aviación (SAF) a la aerolínea durante un año para cubrir el primer vuelo mensual Madrid-La Habana. Se trata de la primera vez que dos compañías en España establecen un suministro regular de este combustible […]

Qantas orders more aircraft for international fleet

The Qantas Group has today announced the final piece of its jet fleet renewal program with a firm order for 24 aircraft to progressively replace its existing A330s. The multi-billion dollar order is split between 12 Airbus A350s and 12 Boeing 787s arriving from FY27 into the next decade. The Group has also negotiated additional […]

DHL Global Forwarding calls for more SAF with shipper demand rising

DHL Global Forwarding has called for a “substantial” increase in Sustainable Aviation Fuel (SAF) production as it reports rising demand for sustainable solutions from customers. The freight forwarder said a growing number of customer tenders and discussions included greenhouse gas transparency. Customers are also willing to explore the use of sustainable solutions even if they […]

Southwest Launches New Tool for Corporate Customers to Support SAF

Southwest Airlines® is proud to announce the launch of a new, innovative option for eligible corporate Customers looking to support sustainable aviation fuel (SAF). SAF is fuel produced from non-fossil fuel sources that can result in lower lifecycle greenhouse gas emissions than conventional jet fuel. Today, SAF is produced in limited volumes and comes at […]

Southwest lanza nueva herramienta para que clientes corporativos apoyen uso de SAF

Southwest Airlines anunció una novedosa alternativa destinada a sus clientes corporativos que deseen respaldar la adopción de combustibles de aviación sostenibles (SAF), mediante la adquisición de las denominadas «Reclamaciones SAF del Cliente» para su uso en las operaciones de la aerolínea. Refirió que desde su anuncio inicial en octubre de 2021, el Programa Beta SAF […]