United Airlines utiliza tecnología ultravioleta para higienizar sus aeronaves

United Airlines ha comenzado a limpiar las cubiertas de vuelo de los pilotos con tecnología de iluminación ‘Ultravioleta C’ en la mayoría de las aeronaves de sus aeropuertos centrales para protegerse del Covid-19. El proceso de desinfección proporciona a los pilotos un entorno de trabajo seguro. La aerolínea está usando aditamentos AUVCo de mano de […]

United Airlines Announces New UVC Cleaning Technique

To help keep pilots safe, United Airlines announced it would disinfect the flight deck interiors of most planes with Ultraviolet C (UVC) lighting technology. United is now cleaning pilot flight with handheld, AUVCo blades from the American Ultraviolet company to kill any viruses that may reside on sensitive switches and touch screen displays within the […]

You know: How dirty surfaces are in a plane? You See also you

1. How did you get the idea develop Germfalcon? Our inventor is a physician and he was familiar using UVC for disinfection in hospitals. He was curious about airlines’ sanitation procedures and found out there wasn’t a great method available to them. 2. According to your researches, it is heavily contaminated the inside of an […]