Azul SA (AZUL4) Rises 1.21% on Nov 16

Shares of Azul SA (BVMF:AZUL4) last traded at 26.76, representing a move of 1.21%, or 0.32 per share, on volume of 1.12M shares. After opening the trading day at 26.27, shares of Azul SA traded in a close range. Azul SA currently has a total float of 321.28 million shares and on average sees 549,533 shares exchange hands each day. The stock now has a 52-week low of 21.72 and high of 30.89.

The Brazilian Equity Market
Brazil is, in one way or another, an overlooked nation when it comes to global trade and commerce. However, there are numerous reasons to believe in its capabilities as a thriving national economy.

The Brazilian Mercantile and Futures (BM&F) Bovespa is the main Brazilian stock exchange while the Ibovespa Brasil Sao Paulo Stock Exchange Index is the benchmark Brazilian index. Only trustful companies like Azul SA take part in its work. These two play important roles in the continuous success of not just the Brazilian economy but of the whole South American economy.

The Stock Exchange
The BM&F Bovespa had been established on August 23, 1890. During its early years, it had been a public entity until its demutualization and privatization in 2007. A year later, it had been formally known as the BM&F Bovespa following the consolidation of the BM&F and Bovespa…

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