GRU Airport first airport in Brazil to obtain the ACI Airport Health Accreditation

Airports Council International (ACI) have announced today the accreditation of Guarulhos International
Airport (GRU Airport) in the ACI Airport Health Accreditation (AHA) programme. GRU Airport is the first
airport in Brazil to obtain the AHA accreditation.

ACI’s Airport Health Accreditation programme recognizes the commitment to health and welfare of
passengers, airport staff and the public, by supporting airports assessing the new health measures and
procedures introduced as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic in accordance with ICAO Council Aviation
Restart Task Force (CART) recommendations and in alignment with the joint EASA and ECDC Aviation Health
Safety Protocol and ACI EUROPE’s Guidelines for a Healthy Passenger Experience at Airports.

This accreditation promotes the recognition of professional excellence in maintaining safe hygienic facilities
and cover the following topics: cleaning and disinfection, physical distancing (where feasible and practical),
staff protection, physical layout, passenger communications and passenger facilities.

“Airports in Latin America and Caribbean have adapted their procedures to the ICAO CART Recommendations
and the industry best practices. The ACI Airport Health Accreditation gives airports the opportunity to
demonstrate to passengers, staff, regulators, and governments that are prioritizing health and safety in a
measurable, established manner while also validating their own measures and processes” said Dr. Rafael
Echevarne, Director General of ACI-LAC.

GRU Airport is proud to receive this important certification. We have always adopted the strictest health and
hygiene measures, recommended by official agencies, to promote a safe environment for passengers and
employees, said Gustavo Figueiredo – CEO GRU Airport

Congratulations to GRU Airport!

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