Korean Air to use biofuel SAF on the Paris-Incheon route for lower emissions

South Korean full-service carrier Korean Air Lines Co. (KAL) announced Friday it will use sustainable aviation fuel (SAF) on the flight from Paris, France to Incheon, Korea, as a part of its commitment to reduce carbon emissions.

SAF is eco-friendly jet fuel made from oils and waste products, which has a small carbon footprint. During the life cycle from procurement of raw materials to consumption, carbon emissions can be reduced by as much as 80 percent.

Currently, SAF takes up a 0.1 percent share in the global jet fuel market as it remains costly due to lack of production facilities and distribution channels. France recently passed a law mandating local jet fuel suppliers to have at least 1 percent of their supplies with SAF.

SAF is about two to five times more expensive than the existing fuels. Despite the price concerns, Korean Air Lines made the latest decision in sympathy with the need for carbon emissions reduction in the aviation industry and transition into eco-friendly fuels.

Korean Air serviced a route from Chicago, the U.S. to Incheon, Korea with a SAF-fueled aircraft for one time in November 2017 for the first time among Korean airlines…

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