Technology, sustainability and aviation regulatory liberalization are the key topics for the premier event of the airport sector in Latin America and the Caribbean

The Airports Council International Latin America and the Caribbean (ACI-LAC) will hold the ACI-LAC Annual Assembly, Conference & Exhibition, the most important event for the airport sector in the region, on November 6 and 7, 2023. The event will bring together key authorities, senior executives from Latin America and the Caribbean and aviation experts to discuss key current issues in the airport industry.

Under the theme «The Future is Now», speakers will share experiences on the state of airport concession processes, the new airport commercial paradigm, air transport liberalization in Latin America and the Caribbean, the development of the accessibility culture at airports and debates on the progress already made by the industry towards meeting the sector’s commitment of zero net carbon emissions by 2050.

In the context of the challenges of implementing technologies and the opportunities offered by new
realities, the conference discusses the processes that make the passenger experience simpler and
easier, as well as the perspectives for the development and operation of urban air mobility.

You can access the complete program of the event by clicking on the link.

At the opening of the conference, we will have a panel that will bring together the CEOs of Miami
Airport, Ralph Cutié; Juan José Salmón, CEO of Lima Airport Partners; Raul Revuelta, CEO of Grupo
Aeroportuario del Pacifico (GAP, with 12 airports in Mexico and 2 in Jamaica) and the CEO of
Aerodom, Monika Infante, which will highlight the main points of attention of airports in Latin
America and the Caribbean at this moment. In another panel, communications executives from
airport operators will give an overview of the challenges of airport reputation management and the
importance of communications today.

ACI-LAC Board Chairman Ezequiel Barrenechea, ACI World Director General Luis Felipe de Oliveira
and ACI-LAC Director General Rafael Echevarne will also be present at the opening of the event.

«The ACI-LAC Annual Assembly Conference & Exhibition is a key gathering for our industry. This
event is a valuable platform to exchange ideas, best practices and common challenges. Actively
participating in this event to keep us up to date on the latest trends and developments in the airport
industry and to forge key relationships that will propel our industry into the future is critical. I invite
the entire airport community to join us in Miami on November 6-7 to contribute to our common
goal of raising the standards of our industry to ensure its growth and continued success,» said Dr.
Rafael Echevarne, Director General of ACI-LAC.

During the ACI-LAC Annual Assembly Conference & Exhibition, the Air Cargo Summit and the
Caribbean Region Summit will also take place.

Follow ACI-LAC news on Twitter at @ACI_LAC and on Linkedin | #ACILAC2023

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Fuente: ACI-LAC
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