Infortunio: una TCP de American tira una bandeja encima de su CEO

Una tripulante de cabina de la compañía American Airlines tuvo el privilegio de conocer en persona al CEO de la aerolínea, aunque el momento no fue el más afortunado. La azafata llevaba una bandeja llena de bebidas cuando un hombre se topó con ella, provocando que se cayeran la mitad de ellas encima del pasajero que se encontraba a su lado sentado; Doug Parker, presidente y CEO de American Airlines Group…


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Story time with @maddieryanee ! So yesterday I worked a flight from Phoenix to Dallas. I had our CEO (Doug Parker) on my flight. I was just doing my job, serving my predeparture drinks. I have a tray of drinks on it when the passenger in front of me stops in the aisle and backs up. Hits the tray and the drinks go flying. Guys I have worked for American Airlines for 4 years, and not once have I ever spilt a drink on a passenger. Guess who they land on. Half of them were all over me, the other half in Doug’s lap. I WAS MORTIFIED, I wanted to drop dead right there in the aisle. (Like am I still employed?!) Luckily he was cool about it came back and we talked, we joked about it he rest of the flight. When he was getting off the plane he told me he’d never forget me…. guess that’s a good thing right? Most people never even meet their CEO let alone shower them in sparkling water and jack and cokes. OOPS!!

Una publicación compartida de AASTEWS Living Life In The Sky (@aastews) el

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