Man in Trump hat kicked off a flight as a crowd chanted: "˜Lock him up!"™

Like some bizarre parody of a Trump rally, a belligerent man in a "Make America Great Again" hat was booted off a plane in Shanghai Sunday "” defiantly waving as a crowd of passengers jeered in the terminal: "Lock him up! Lock him up!"

It"™s unclear whether Chinese police did jail the man or who he was. As others on the United Airlines flight described it, he started arguing before he stepped onto the plane.

"Obviously, the hat provoked some of the stuff," said Alexis Zimmerman, who was flying back to Newark from a business trip.

The man took an aisle seat three rows in front of her. She said he refused to let anyone sit beside him.

"He wanted to sit in the whole row by himself," Zimmerman said.

Her video shows him leaning back in his seat "” hands folded behind his red hat, feet propped on someone else"™s arm rest "” while a woman in crutches and many others stand in the aisle, snap photos and glare.
"This young lady"™s not going to make it to her classes tomorrow and her tests she has to take, thanks to you," a woman told the man. "Are you proud of yourself?"

"Guess what," he replied. "In 45 minutes I"™m going to collapse for not drinking my soda."
The man said he was a diabetic, Zimmerman said. But at one point, passengers said, he also dared the flight crew to cuff him and drag him off the plane "” reminding other passengers of last month"™s infamous deplaning, amid a barrage of in-plane horror stories that have plagued United and the rest of the airline industry in recent years.

But the United crew in Shanghai remained polite and patient throughout Sunday"™s ordeal, said Clark Gredoña, another passenger…

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