Northern Pacific Airways Applies To Serve Mexico
Alaskan startup Northern Pacific Airways has lodged an application with the US Transportation Department (DOT) to offer scheduled service between the US and Mexico. The long-haul carrier, which previously set out plans to serve the US-Asia market with a stopover in Alaska, hopes to begin flying routes to destinations in Mexico later this year using […]
Nueva startup Northern Pacific Airways planea usar Alaska como hub entre Estados Unidos y Asia
La semana pasada se presentó Northern Pacific Airways, un proyecto de aerolínea low-cost para conectar a Norteamérica con Asia a través de Anchorage aprovechando la ventaja geográfica de esa ciudad, con aspiraciones de repetir un modelo como el de Icelandair en Reikiavik, pero sobre el Pacífico. Rob McKinney, director ejecutivo de Northern Pacific y su […]