Emirates completes engine ground testing with 100% Sustainable Aviation Fuel

Emirates has successfully completed the ground engine testing for one of its GE90 engines on a Boeing 777-300ER using 100% Sustainable Aviation Fuel (SAF). The objective of the ground testing and analysis is to demonstrate the capability of the GE90 engine to run on the specially blended 100% SAF without affecting its performance, requiring no […]

UAE companies explore production of sustainable aviation fuel with BP

United Arab Emirates renewable energy company Masdar, state oil firm Abu Dhabi National Oil Company (ADNOC) and oil major BP, reports Reuters. BPL agreed to conduct a joint feasibility study on exploring the production of sustainable aviation fuel (SAF) in the UAE, Masdar said in a statement on Friday. The agreement, which includes Abu Dhabi […]

Las tres medidas de Vueling para reducir sus emisiones en más de un 70%

Como aerolínea integrante de International Airlines Group (IAG), Vueling ha asumido el compromiso del grupo de alcanzar las cero emisiones netas de CO2 para 2050. Para lograrlo, la aerolínea ha planteado una estrategia con tres ejes centrales: la utilización de combustible sostenible de aviación (SAF, por sus siglas en inglés), en cuyo desarrollo y producción […]

Brussels Airlines Kicks Off 2023 With First SAF Delivery Via Nato Pipeline

On January 1, the first batch of Sustainable Aviation Fuel (SAF) was delivered to Brussels Airport in Belgium. The North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) pipeline that supplies kerosene to Brussels Airlines and Airport will also transport SAF through the same system. this represents a significant milestone towards increasing the use of sustainable fuels to minimize […]

10 ways Delta advanced the more sustainable future of flying in 2022

Delta continued building momentum in 2022 on its journey to connect people to a more sustainable future of flying. From welcoming a new CSO and developing innovative partnerships, to advancing sustainable aviation fuel markets and further reducing single-use plastics onboard, work across the global carrier in 2022 has set Delta apart as a sustainability leader […]

Brasil: Rotas domésticas crescem 12,5% com relação a níveis pré-pandêmicos, mas altos custos operacionais atrapalham a recuperação da conectividade

A Associação Internacional de Transporte Aéreo (IATA – International Air Transport Association) realizou no dia 14 de dezembro um evento presencial sobre a retomada e as perspectivas da indústria nacional e global da aviação. Dany Oliveira, diretor-geral da IATA no Brasil, e Tiago Pereira, diretor da Agência Nacional de Aviação Civil (ANAC), falaram sobre a […]

Nippon Cargo Airlines to use Neste SAF to cut emissions

Nippon Cargo Airlines (NCA) has begun using Neste’s Sustainable Aviation Fuel (SAF) to cut its flight emissions. NCA used Neste’s MY Sustainable Aviation Fuel for several cargo flights in November and December. The SAF is supplied by Neste at Amsterdam Airport Schiphol. According to the companies, using Neste MY Sustainable Aviation Fuel reduces greenhouse gas […]

IATA highlights potential role of Latin America in future SAF production

In Panama, Martes Financiero reported that the International Air Transport Association (IATA) considered that Latin America and the Caribbean region has the potential capacity to produce up to 200 billion liters of SAF, which would represent 37% of the industry’s fuel needs. “Between 130 billion and 200 billion liters of SAF or other alternative fuels […]

IATA y OLADE firman acuerdo para impulsar despliegue de SAF en América Latina y El Caribe

La Asociación de Transporte Aéreo Internacional (IATA, por sus siglas en inglés) y la Organización Latinoamericana de Energía (OLADE) firmaron un Memorándum de Entendimiento (MoU) con el fin de establecer acciones y mecanismos de cooperación conjunta para el intercambio de conocimientos e información que favorezcan el desarrollo de marcos regulatorios e incentivos en la región […]

World’s first net zero transatlantic flight to fly from London in 2023

The first ever net zero transatlantic flight will take off from the UK next year, with Virgin Atlantic receiving government funding to fly across the pond using solely sustainable aviation fuel (SAF). In 2023, one of Virgin Atlantic’s flagship Boeing 787s, powered by Rolls-Royce Trent 1000 engines, will take off from London Heathrow and make […]