Aerolíneas ganarán casi US$ 40.000 millones en 2016 y precio de pasajes caerá 7%

Cielo despejado para la industria aérea en 2016. El ajuste en el precio del petróleo se traducirá en mayores beneficios para las aerolíneas este año. El gremio del transporte aéreo IATA prevé unas ganancias de US$ 39.400 millones, un 11,6% más que en 2015 y un 8,5% por encima de su anterior pronóstico, de diciembre […]

Iata: «Precisamos evitar multidões nos aeroportos»

Ao iniciar sua última Assembleia Anual Geral (AGM) pela Associação Internacional de Transportes Aéreos (Iata), o diretor geral e CEO Tony Tyler passou a limpo as principais preocupações com a situação atual da aviação global. Segundo ele, segurança nos aeroportos, a relação com governos e a recuperação dos indicadores econômicos das companhias aéreas são as […]

Alexandre De Juniac: El francés que llega como nuevo CEO de IATA

Tras 5 años comandando a la Asociación de Transporte Aéreo Internacional, Tony Tyler deja su cargo como Director General y CEO del organismo, responsabilidad que asumió el 1 de julio de 2011, convirtiéndose en el sexto presidente al frente del organismo internacional. Gestión marcada por su liderazgo en iniciativas como el desarrollo de un nuevo […]

Airline Industry Pledges to Fight Against Wildlife Trafficking

The International Air Transport Association (IATA) 72nd Annual General Meeting (AGM) unanimously endorsed a resolution denouncing the illegal trade in wildlife and wildlife products and pledging to partner with government authorities and conservation organizations in the fight against the traffickers of endangered animals. «The illegal wildlife trade threatens the survival of many endangered species, the […]

Closer Collaboration with Governments to Tackle Threat of Terrorism

The International Air Transport Association (IATA) 72nd Annual General Meeting (AGM) unanimously adopted a resolution that denounces terrorism and calls for intensified cooperation among governments as well as with the air transport industry to keep flying secure. «The foundation stone of security has been rocked by tragedy. In the last twelve months, terrorists have laid […]

IATA Urges Governments to Address Airline Blocked Funds Carriers Face Significant Repatriation Problems in Five Countries

The International Air Transport Association (IATA) called on governments to respect international agreements obliging them to ensure airlines are able to repatriate their revenues. «Air connectivity is vital to all economies. The airline industry is a competitive business operating on thin margins. So the efficient repatriation of revenues is critical for airlines to be able […]

Seguridad y medio ambiente, temas clave de la aviación

Este miércoles iniciará la 72 Asamblea Anual (AGM) de la Asociación Internacional de Transporte Aéreo (IATA) y para México tiene un significado especial, pues Andrés Conesa termina su periodo como presidente del consejo de administración de este importante organismo. Más allá del ejecutivo en sí o su posición como director general de Aeroméxico, este hecho […]

AGM 2016: La mayor reunión de líderes de la industria mundial de la aviación

Irlanda, es el lugar elegido para recibir al encuentro más grande a nivel mundial de líderes de la industria aérea, albergando la edición número 72 del Annual General Meeting (AGM) evento organizado por la Asociación de Transporte Aéreo Internacional (IATA, por sus siglas en inglés) y que se desarrollará esta semana, entre el 1 y […]

Air Freight Markets Grow in April

The International Air Transport Association (IATA) released demand growth results for global air freight markets for April 2016 showing a 3.2% increase in demand measured in freight tonne kilometers (FTKs) compared to the same period last year. Yields remained pressured as April freight capacity (measured in available freight tonne kilometers or AFTKs) increased by 6.6% […]

Government negotiators receive encouragement from aviation industry leaders

A High Level Meeting being convened by the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) on 11 May received executive-level support from the aviation industry today, as leaders representing all parts of the sector encouraged governments to progress their deliberations on a global carbon offsetting scheme for air transport. The ICAO discussions have been gathering pace since […]