ICAO approves new edition of its Testing and Cross-border Risk Management Measures Manual

ICAO has announced the release of the revised second edition of the UN aviation agency’s Testing and Cross-border Risk Management Measures Manual.

Approved last week by ICAO Secretary General Dr. Fang Liu, the manual is fundamental to the effective global alignment of countries’ pandemic response and recovery efforts, and provides national governments and air transport operators with important updates on wide ranging pandemic response and recovery priorities relating to civil aviation and public health measures.

“This new edition of Document 10152 directly supports the work and objectives of the Aviation Recovery Task Force (CART) established by ICAO’s governing Council, and is available free of charge on ICAO’s website.” Dr. Liu highlighted.

“It contains new and revised information relating to pandemic risk management, public health corridors (PHCs), updates on the latest scientific developments regarding COVID-19 testing, and an entirely new section on vaccination and its interdependencies with the multilayer risk management framework it recommends countries adopt,” she explained.

ICAO coordinated and produced the first edition of the testing risk managament manual as part of its rapid response in the early stages of the pandemic, and with the close collaboration of its CAPSCA member States and partners, including the World Health Organization (WHO).

Specific new content has been included in the second edition on aviation-specific risk management models, as well as on the differing mitigation measures required for air crew and passengers.

Vaccination considerations and protocols for aviation workers are also addressed, in addition to the standardization and validation of COVID-19 test certificates.

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Fuente: ICAO
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