iFly Res, de IBS, recibe la categoría NDC Capable Level 3 de la IATA

IBS Software, uno de los principales proveedores de soluciones TI de la industria mundial del transporte aéreo, ha recibido la categoría ‘NDC Capable’ Level 3, el certificado más alto que se otorga, de la International Air Transport Association (IATA) para su iFly Res Passenger Service System (PSS). iFly Res está entre los primeros PSS en […]

Spanish firm Amadeus awarded level three NDC certification by IATA

Spanish company Amadeus has received level three new distribution capability (NDC) certification as an information technology (IT) provider from the International Air Transport Association (IATA), a Canada-based trade association of all airlines worldwide. Level three is the highest level of NDC certification provided by IATA. Amadeus Airline IT global head Julia Sattel said: «We are […]

Bringing Transparency, Visibility to NDC Deployments

The International Air Transport Association (IATA) announced the launch of the New Distribution Capability (NDC) Certification Registry to recognize those companies that have implemented part or all of the NDC technical standard. The Registry lists airlines, travel agents and aggregators (such as global distribution systems) that have achieved NDC certification as well as those IT […]

SITA investe em inovacoes para solucionar desafíos da indústria

A SITA, provedora de TI que está transformando as viagens aéreas por meio da tecnologia, anuncia várias inovações para a comunidade, de olho no futuro. Essas inovações fazem parte do investimento de 2016 da SITA em cinco áreas principais para explorar novas soluções para alguns dos desafios mais prementes da indústria de transporte aéreo. As […]

SITA rolls out future forward technology innovations and member offers

SITA, the IT specialist that is transforming air travel through technology, today rolled out several community innovation demos with an eye toward the future at this year"™s Air Transport IT Summit. These forward-looking innovations are part of SITA"™s 2016 multi-million investment across five main focus areas to explore new solutions to some of the air […]

Airline uptake of NDC advances

Eight months after the first New Distribution Capability (NDC) industry standard (PADIS 15.2) was published in September 2015, more than 15 airlines have deployed all or part of the standard. Furthermore, among the top 25 airline groups, 20 have deployed, or have plans to deploy it. Recent high-profile announcements have included Emirates launching its NDC […]

IATA"™s NDC standard gaining acceptance in travel industry

 IATA"™s New Distribution Capability (NDC) standard is gradually starting to see the light of day in the computer programs that agents use every day. Across the breadth of the industry, companies are going through IATA"™s certification process, which ensures that airlines, agents, aggregators and vendors have the capability to send and receive NDC messages. […]

Qatar sigue a Lufthansa y creará una plataforma propia de distribución

Qatar Airways ha confirmado su intención de seguir los pasos de la aerolínea alemana Lufthansa y prevé implementar una nueva plataforma de distribución (NDC) propia. Según recoge el portal TTG Media, aún se desconoce la fecha de inicio de la nueva estrategia de la compañía, ni los honorarios que cobrará por la venta de billetes […]

Is travel retailing finally about to take off?

It"™s been talked about as the Next Big Thing for quite some time now, but many are now saying that 2016 is the year that travel retailing reaches a critical point in its evolution. The idea is that there is a sequence of "industry shift" in play now that can only push the processes needed […]

La distribución como factor de concentración

El objeto del trabajo es demostrar que la actual construcción del futuro de la distribución, puede ser un factor clave en la concentración del mercado de transporte aéreo; y que la eficacia que se pretende, no necesariamente hará más eficiente ni transparente la experiencia de compra de los pasajeros. Son ponderadas la Resolución 787 de […]