ATR realiza con éxito vuelos con combustible sostenible

El fabricante regional de aviones ATR ha realizado con éxito una serie de pruebas en tierra y en vuelo para su avión ATR 72-600 con un motor de combustible de aviación sostenible (SAF). El avión estaba propulsado por Neste MY Sustainable Aviation Fuel producido a partir de materias primas 100% renovables y residuales, como el […]

Turkish Airlines introduce combustible de aviación sostenible en sus vuelos

Con el objetivo de proteger la riqueza de la naturaleza para las generaciones futuras en Turquía y en 128 países de su red de vuelos, Turkish Airlines comenzó a utilizar combustible de aviación sostenible en sus vuelos. El combustible de aviación obtenido de fuentes sostenibles se utilizó por primera vez en el vuelo TK1823 que […]

ATR successfully performs test flights with 100% SAF in one engine

Regional aircraft manufacturer ATR today announced that it has successfully performed a series of ground and flight tests on its ATR 72-600 prototype aircraft, cumulating seven flight hours with 100 % Sustainable Aviation Fuel (SAF) in one engine. The aircraft was powered by Neste MY Sustainable Aviation Fuel™ produced from 100% renewable waste and residues […]

Delta Cargo adds SAF programme

Delta Cargo has become the latest company to launch a sustainable aviation fuel (SAF) programme as airlines continue their drive to reduce emissions. The new SAF programme, which is part of the wider airline group’s ‘Path to Net Zero’ initiative, is certified and audited by greenhouse gas accounting firm Ruby Canyon Environmental and is International […]

Delta Cargo lanza el Programa de Combustible de Aviación Sostenible (SAF)

Delta Cargo anunció este lunes el lanzamientos de un programa de Combustible de Aviación Sostenible (SAF), para ayudar a aumentar el suministro y la disponibilidad de SAF. Este programa ayudará a los clientes de carga a reducir su huella medioambiental y a crear un futuro más sostenible. A través de un comunicado, la compañía destacó […]

Opinion: It Is Time To Move Boldly On Sustainable Aviation Fuel

Scott Thompson The aviation industry contributes about 2.5% of global carbon emissions annually. In October of 2021, the International Air Transport Association released its road map to achieving net-zero carbon emissions by 2050. About two-thirds of the plan relies on sustainable aviation fuel (SAF)—many airlines have committed to replacing 10% of the jet fuel they […]

El transporte aéreo, protagonista de uno de los debates del VIII Foro Hotusa

La variante ómicron no ha sido más que un bache en la recuperación que ha comenzado el sector aéreo y de los viajes, una vuelta a la casilla de inicio, y ello por el freno que suponen las restricciones impuestas por los gobiernos. No obstante, las aerolíneas avizoran un 2022 de actividad robusta, si bien […]

JetBlue Introduces ‘Sustainable Travel Partners’ Program Empowering Corporate Customers to Enhance the Sustainability of their Business Travel

JetBlue (Nasdaq: JBLU) announced the launch of its “JetBlue Sustainable Travel Partners” program, and its inaugural customers, Biogen, Deloitte, ICF, and Salesforce, a suite of offerings to help corporate travel customers reduce their business travel emissions and meet their own corporate sustainability targets. In keeping with JetBlue’s customer focus, the airline is approaching sustainable travel […]

JetBlue Explains Why ATC Reforms Are Needed To Boost Sustainability

Sustainability has become an important theme in airline operations in recent years. Many carriers and alliances have committed to goals on this front, with a key aim being net-zero operations in terms of carbon emissions by 2050. However, air traffic control reforms may also have a role to play. Indeed, JetBlue asserts that these could […]