American Airlines saw 15 percent surge in cargo traffic in 2017

January 24, 2018: American Airlines witnessed an overall cargo traffic growth for 2017, up 15 percent compared to previous year. This significant improvement followed a year-long effort to continue streamlining the customer experience with the introduction of new self-service tools to automate and improve the booking process, besides implementation of new services like proactive shipment […]

American Airlines Just Made a Stunningly Generous Gesture to Passengers

It’s hard to decide in the U.S., where too much airline travel has become akin to severe ingrowing toenail surgery. Performed by a car mechanic with a screwdriver. I am, therefore, writing with only one hand — I’m doffing my cap with the other — to celebrate a kindly, almost otherworldly, gesture by American Airlines. […]

American Airlines plans dozens of new routes in 2018, including several from DFW Airport

American Airlines announced dozens of new routes Thursday, including several from DFW International Airport. The Fort Worth-based company plans 52 new nonstop flights in 2018 as well as schedule changes to improve flight connections. That includes new daily service from DFW Airport to Panama City, Fla., and South Bend, Ind., destinations the airline does not […]

Airline Smart Luggage Ban Goes Into Effect

Six weeks after U.S. carriers unilaterally moved to ban smart luggage from travel in or under airplane cabins, the ban has gone into full effect as of Monday — with little movement from hardware manufacturers. «We are still fighting,» Tomi Pierucci, the CEO of Bluesmart admitted to FORBES this week. At the time the luggage […]

American Airlines deja de aceptar dinero en efectivo en el aeropuerto de Miami

American Airlines ha dejado de aceptar dinero en efectivo en sus mostradores de vuelos en el Aeropuerto Internacional de Miami, uno de los pocos lugares en los que hasta hace poco se admitía, según publica CBS. Todavía, a principios de 2017, la aerolínea norteamericana aceptaba efectivo en los aeródromos de Austin Texas y en el […]

Embraer almost doubles net firm orders in 2017

Embraer received 86 net firm orders for commercial aircraft in 2017, almost doubling the 45 net orders it logged in 2016. The airframer delivered 101 commercial aircraft in 2017, out of a total of 210 jet deliveries. Embraer had previously forecasted commercial deliveries of between 97 and 102 aircraft for the year. In the fourth […]

American Airlines Going Cashless At Miami International Airport

If you thought cash was king, think again, especially if you are traveling on American Airlines through Miami International Airport. The airline is going cashless at Miami International Airport by the end of the week. That means transactions for tickets, checked or overweight bags, or unaccompanied minor fees, must be made with credit or debit […]

China Southern Airlines and American Airlines announce codeshare partnership

China Southern Airlines and American Airlines jointly announce codeshare partnership effective on 18th January, 2018, adding new momentum to the international operation by both airlines with more diverse and travel options for passengers traveling between the two biggest air travel markets. Starting from 18th January, 2018, passengers of China Southern may book seats on connecting […]

Las sorprendentes razones por las que los aviones son blancos

Aunque la mayoría de las compañías aéreas pintan sus aviones de color blanco, hay ocasiones en que pueden decorarse con grandes campañas publicitarias y teñir sus paredes de tonalidades chillonas. Siempre hay excepciones. Muchos creerán que las líneas aéreas realizan las mejores estrategias de marketing y contratan a publicistas para tener una imagen de marca […]

American Airlines: la aerolínea más responsiva en Twitter en EU

American Airlines (AA) es la compañía aérea estadounidense que tiene el mayor margen de respuesta a sus clientes a través de la red social Twitter, según lo reveló un reporte de la empresa de análisis de redes sociales, Conversocial. Por medio de su aplicación para medir el tráfico en Twitter, Conversocial midió la cantidad de […]