Industry Leaders Discuss Sustainable Aviation alongside Summit of the Americas

The International Air Transport Association (IATA), in cooperation with Boeing, hosted a roundtable on sustainable aviation in the context of the IX Summit of the Americas which is being held from June 6-10, 2022 in Los Angeles under the theme of “Building a Sustainable, Resilient, and Equitable Future.” Representatives from various stakeholders in the aviation […]

OACI presenta manual de biocombustibles

La Organización de Aviación Civil Internacional (OACI) informó que la mayor reducción de emisiones de CO2 para 2050, serán las derivadas de combustibles y fuentes de energía más limpios en un 55%; mientras que las nuevas tecnologías de aeronaves contribuirán con una reducción adicional del 21%, y las mejoras operativas contribuirán con 11%. En el […]

WestJet operates first Sustainable Aviation Fuel flight between Los Angeles and Calgary

WestJet joined aviation peers for a demonstration of the industry’s collective commitment to decarbonizing the aviation industry by fueling WS 1511 between Los Angeles (LAX) and Calgary (YYC) with Sustainable Aviation Fuel (SAF). The symbolic flight was a joint initiative with Boeing, as heads of state from across the Americas came together in Los Angeles, […]

Launch of ICAO Assistance, Capacity-building and Training for Sustainable Aviation Fuels

The ICAO Assistance, Capacity-building and Training for Sustainable Aviation Fuels (ACT-SAF) programme was officially launched at a Stockholm+50 associated side event held at ICAO Headquarters in Montréal last week. ICAO ACT-SAF will provide opportunities for States to develop their full potential in sustainable aviation fuels (SAF) development and deployment, in line with ICAO’s No Country […]

Demanda crescente por SAF requer novas matérias-primas e tecnologias, diz diretor da Honeywell

A crescente demanda por combustíveis sustentáveis de aviação (SAF, na sigla em inglês) deve levar a um esgotamento das matérias-primas tradicionais e alavancar o desenvolvimentos de novas rotas de produção, disse nesta terça (24/5) Andrea Bozzano, diretor de Tecnologia da Honeywell. Estimativa da Associação Internacional de Transportes Aéreos (Iata, em inglês) aponta para um salto […]

ATR entrega el noveno avión ATR 42-600 a la japonesa JAC

ATR, el fabricante de aviones regionales, ha entregado el noveno avión ATR 42-600 a la aerolínea japonesa Japan Air Commuter (JAC). Esta aeronave cuenta con una mezcla de combustible sostenible (SAF). En países comprometidos con la reducción de las emisiones de dióxido de carbono y la preservación de la biodiversidad, como Japón, los aviones ATR […]